A Colleague of the Client

 A Colleague of the Client

In business, the concept of focusing on customer service and making sure customers are happy is not new. For many companies, even those that don't deal directly with the public, one of the most important principles is to shape the company such that it meets the needs of its customers. After all, it is the customers who allow the company to exist.

However, it might be challenging for some parts of any company to adopt a customer service mindset since they rarely interact with clients. A public-facing or traditionally customer-focused business model may not be present in the workplace. Therefore, a major corporate trend across all industries is to shift the focus of employees from the company to the people who use their work, essentially turning them into consumers.

In a well-executed system, workers start to see their superiors, coworkers, and everybody else who depends on their work from other departments as clients or customers themselves. Theoretically, this strategy aims to instill a customer service mindset in employees even if their job mostly serves internal purposes.

divisions or other employees inside the organization.

It is a fresh way for every company to alter its corporate culture. If office workers, in particular, adopt the mentality of someone who comes to work with an entrepreneurial or retail oriented perspective, they will be able to unleash their creativity, become more aggressive in their pursuit of satisfying their "customers," and derive more satisfaction from satisfying their internal customers.

Attempts to change the norms and practices of a conventional office setting are admirable. Conventional wisdom holds that "cubicle farm" workplaces are culturally much similar to Dilbert. If you're a manager attempting to motivate an innovative and aggressive workforce to achieve organizational goals, reading that strip might be excruciating. However, Dilbert does bring up a few points regarding the typical office communication issues. The strip pokes fun at low morale in the workplace, employees' cynicism about management, and the widespread problem of employees' predisposition to act in an unproductive manner.

Even when an employee is merely responsible for tasks within their own department or another internal division of the organization, the client-coworker business concept aims to provide them the autonomy to give their all. Customer service for that internal connection should be provided with the same "eager to please" mentality as that required when dealing with external customers who generate revenue for the business, according to the client customer model.

Bringing a customer service mindset to the company's internal support services can yield some tangible benefits. It can bring a team together and give them a sense of purpose when paired with other empowering approaches like process improvement and open communication with management at all levels.

But we must stay away from the client customer model's pitfalls. When one employee feels that another is not treating them like a customer, this attitude can lead to antagonism and harsh feelings amongst coworkers. There is a lot of benefit to a team-oriented corporate culture, but the client-customer model has the potential to separate employees from one another and lessen camaraderie. However, with careful implementation, the client-customer model can yield productivity advantages for businesses while avoiding common drawbacks.

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